Spreading heritage awareness right at your doorstep!

HEP - The Heritage Education Program, is an educational project, which aims to build cultural heritage awareness in neglected regions in the Middle East for children and the youth. Developed by a group of experienced archaeologists and education officers, HEP relies on adaptible diverse hands-on interactive workshops in each Lina mit Schaufel village, increasing knowledge in one‘s own local heritage. HEP triggers children‘s curiosity to understand in their own local heritage, building a sense of attachment and pride, therefore helping to protect and preserve it.

HEP aims to trigger children‘s curiosity and interest in their own local ancient heritage, building a sense of belonging and attachment to protect their heritage and enjoy it for future generations to come.

Lina and Selim, the mascots of our project, travel with the children on this adventurous journey through time, as they discover local ancient archaeological treasures, phoenician language, traditional neighborhood heritage and much more!

fun fake excavation
Archeological fun fake excavation
Phoenician alphabet
Phoenician alphabet
Pottery restoration
Pottery restoration
Traditional architecture
Traditional architecture
Local heritage awareness activities
Local heritage awareness activities


Cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, cannot be protected and preserved without involving local communities, especially the young! Thank you Shirin Sakr Lebanon with a Twist and MTV Alive for hosting the Heritage Education Program on your screen. Archaeological sites and cultural heritage assets in many villages and regions in the South and the Beqaa have been heavily damaged during the latest war. Involving locals and municipalities in the process to protect and preserve their own heritage is a must.

Links and video launched by Facebook!


Coming soon ......

Report destruction of cultural heritage in Lebanon
Report destruction of cultural heritage in Lebanon

This report is an initiative to document the cultural heritage destruction in Lebanon, which is the result of the ongoing war in Lebanon. It is an initiative which was launched by the Heritage Education Program

Go report PDF Eng
Go report PDF Arab

Who we are

Alia Fares
Alia Fares

Co-founder - Director

Alia Fares is an archaeologist and building historian, with a track record of experience in the cultural heritage sector for over 25 years. She lives between Lebanon, Germany and Cyprus, developing cultural heritage projects and leading archaeological surveys and excavations in the Middle East. She is the founder and general director of the Heritage Education Program. She also works as a consultant for various international organizations, including the American Society of Overseas Research, supporting ASOR’s Cultural Heritage Initiatives in Africa. Lina study pottery Furthermore, Alia has specialized in Roman architecture, as she finalises her PhD from the University of Cologne, Germany about a Roman temple in North Lebanon. Alia has also founded Herigatech Ltd., a heritage management and archaeological resources company. Moreover, she dedicates most of her free time for the Lebanon Mountain Trail Association, leading cultural heritage initiatives and assisting in the protection and preservation of the cultural and natural heritage along this 480km trail in Lebanon. Alia is a staunch advocate of the utmost importance of engaging communities in the identification, study and future preservation of local cultural heritage. She believes that once people understand their archaeological heritage and are given the proper tools to protect and preserve their ancient sites and monuments, they will become the custodians of their own past and therefore their identity.

Graziella Nakad

Archaeologist - Education officer - Social Media developer

Graziella is an archaeologist by education, and a self-taught cultural heritage education practitioner. She has almost a decade of archaeological excavation and field experience. Selim transporting and thinking With a natural talent for educating children on-site, she's been working on exciting HEP projects since 2020 in Lebanon. For her, archaeology isn't just about uncovering the past – it's about inspiring future history lovers, one curious child at a time! She loves to bring the past to life for young minds. Graziella also supports HEP in developing its social media presence. Since 2024, she has moved to Germany to work as a field archaeologist, while providing international consultancies for HEP projects in Germany, Petra, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

Aimee Abou Rizk

Archaeologist - Education Officer

Aimée is an archaeologist with a long history of heritage education knowledge. She graduated in 2018 from the Lebanese University with a master’s degree in art history and Archaeology and has more than 15 years of excavation experience in Lebanon. Selim with pottery in her hand In 2014, she became a Museum Assistant at the American University of Beirut's Archaeological Museum and has been leading since then the museum education program, where she assists school classes and visitor groups, planning and executing activities for children on various archaeological themes. She also assists in exhibitions, among other things. In HEP, Aimee mostly leads the pottery restoration and story-telling sessions. Her dedication for heritage education is exemplary and she is an essential pillar of HEP’s program. For her, archaeology and heritage education are about making history accessible and engaging for the community, especially for young people, ensuring that uncovered histories are shared and appreciated by everyone.

Chady Rizk

Architect Restorer

Chady Rizk is an architect restorer with a strong commitment to sustainable development. He earned a master’s degree in architecture from USEK and another specialized master’s program in Restoration from the Lebanese University. Chady is committed to preserving architectural heritage in Lebanon. Lina as Bildhauer Therefore, he became very active in his native village Ghalboun, where he co-founded the Ghalboun Hiking Trails, promoting eco-tourism and environmental conservation. As a Sustainable Development Strategist for the Ghalboun Municipality, he plays a crucial role in advancing sustainable community practices. Passionate about creating cultural heritage awareness, Chady joined HEP in 2023. He believes that the younger generations have a crucial role to play in preserving their community's history and core values, therefore contributing to protecting their cultural heritage resources and creating better societies in the future.

Elie Akiki
Elie Akiki

Archaeologist - Project Manager

Elie has been an enthusiastic volunteer with HEP since 2020. With over a decade of research experience in Byzantine and medieval archaeology in both Lebanon and Europe, Elie has played an essential role in developing the program. Lina with schaufel He believes in the importance of spreading cultural heritage awareness, specifically about the Phoenician alphabet, which has become his activity specialty. He has a previous degree in Interior architecture, which helped design some of HEP's graphic identity. Moreover, he has studied both in Hungary and Paris, where he is finalizing his PhD at the École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE) in Paris. However, and due to other commitments, Elie will be absent from HEP for the moment, hopefully to return at a later stage to continue.

Lamis Jamal

Archaeologist - Education Officer

Lamis is very passionate about protecting and preserving cultural heritage. She has graduated in 2007 from the Lebanese university with an MA and has gathered a decade of archaeological excavation experience in downtown’s Beirut’s archaeological works.Traditional architektur In 2016, she started working for the Directorate General of Antiquities, heading their department in the western and central part of the Beqaa valley. Whenever she can, Lamis leaves her bureaucratic responsibilities, to volunteer for HEP, especially with children with disabilities, where she thrives in assisting them in various cultural heritage activities and awareness tasks. Lamis is truly dedicated to her profession and the HEP team are lucky to have her.

Thomas Fares

IT - Organisation

Thomas is an IT expert in cloud architecture (Azure). He has co-founded HEP in Gera (HEP e.V), in Germany, his hometown. Thomas is the backbone of HEP’s website presence and is always present to assist in HEP technical tasks. Pottery His experience in website design and computer sofware/hardware needs is essential and his database knowledge and IT security keeps HEP’s projects safe. Whenever he can, Thomas leaves his comfort zone in Germany, to travel to Lebanon, helping communities in understanding their cultural heritage. Furthermore, he is a founding member of serveral other cultural heritage NGO’s in Germany and Lebanon, such as Kulturhaus Häselburg e.V and the Kunstverein Region Sömmerda e.V.


Asor The American Society of Overseas Research (ASOR) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to initiate, encourage, and support research into, and public understanding of, the history and cultures of the Near East and wider Mediterranean world, from the earliest times. ASOR is apolitical and has no religious affiliation.
We were founded in 1900 by twenty-one institutions—including Harvard, Princeton, Yale, and Columbia. Over a century later, ASOR has approximately 53 consortium institutions, including universities, seminaries, museums, foundations, and libraries. In addition, we have more than 2,200 individual members and more than 16,500 Friends.

Al Qaa Municipality El-Qaa is a plain located in Baalbek–Hermel District, bordered by Syria, Hermel and Ras Baalbek. Since the Middle Ages, El-Qaa was famous for its honey production and its remarkable landscape. Its beautiful natural lake was a crossroad for traders. El-Qaa remains the village for religious tourists. Its many religious sites attract local residents and foreign visitors. Located between Anti-Lebanon mountain range and the Assi River, El-Qaa is best known for its hot semiarid summer and its cold winter. What marks El-Qaa are the Roman and Ottoman monuments that engrave the ancient civilizations in this village.

Evangelische Gemeinde zu Beirut Unsere Gemeinde kann auf eine über 160-jährige, ereignisreiche und wechselvolle Geschichte zurückblicken. Gegründet wurde sie 1856 von deutschen, französischen und Schweizer Kaufleuten. Ziel war die Etablierung einer dritten, weder englisch- noch arabischsprachigen evangelischen Gemeinde in Beirut.


Heritage Education Program e.V.

registered in district court of Gera, Germany: VR 281684

Thomas Fares, Elie Akiki


Berliner Strasse 24
07545 Gera
Lebanese army martyre street
bldg 115
mar chaaya, metn

Thomas Fares: +49 176 914 83 289, info@hep-web.org
Alia Fares: Whatsapp: +9613720061, afares@hep-web.org

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